Hans Jean Egger

The Art Agency Weinpolter purchases quality paintings by Hans Jean Egger. Detailed information about the artist:


Hans Jean Egger (Hüttenberg, Kärnten 1897 - 1934 Klagenfurt)

Hans Jean Egger was born in 1897 in Hüttenberg, Carinthia. The portrait and landscape painter studied together with Lunno Strauß, Miko Subic, Josef Walch and Sergius Pauser from 1918 to 1922 at the Academy of Munich. Their teacher was Karl Johann Becker-Gundahl. Hans Jean Egger a few went on study trips to the Netherlands and Italy as well as Scandinavia where he studied the works of Edward Munch. In 1925 the artist moved to Paris where he soon became a successful portrait painter also beacuse he socialised with such influential people as the president's brother, Paul Clemenceau, his wife Sophie Szeps-Clemenceau and the Minister of War, Paul Painlevé. From 1926 on Hans Jean Egger exhibited regularly at the Salon des Tuileries and participated in exhibitions at the Gallery Sloden (1930) in Paris and the Gallery Würthle in Vienna (1931). In 1929 he was awarded the "Silver Palm" and the title "Officier d'Académie". 

Because of health issues Hans Jean Egger spent the last two years of his life in Mallorca where he bought a house. To this day it is known as "Can Hans"; even Joan Miró is said to have visited the Austrian painter several times. Hans Jean Egger returned to Austria) in 1934 but died shortly after his arrival in his home town Klagenfurt because of tuberculosis. 

His works are on display at the Österreichische Galerie, the Albertina and the Leopold Museum in Vienna as well as of the Sammlung Essl in Klosterneuburg and the Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck.


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